Quality Service and Standards
In considering the best education and child care option for your family, you will want to know about the standard of care that we will provide for your child.
A service assessment was undertaken of Little Diggers Pre-school & Child Care Centre in November 2018. The officer from the Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate found that we met all the National Quality Standards and excelled in our connection with children, families and the community. We believe that the practices of educators and the relationships they form with children and families have a significant effect on children’s involvement and success in learning.
The National Quality Standards (divided into 7 quality areas) are set to ensure that children's services, provides a safe and stimulating learning and care environment for your child. Below is feedback received from our assessment.
Standard 1.1 – The educational program enhances each child’s learning and development.
Curriculum decision making is reflective of children's interests, needs and abilities. Educators understand each child and plan from their interests. Families are provided with various opportunities to contribute to the program and their child's development.
Standard 1.2 – Educators facilitate and extend each child’s learning and development.
Educators' interactions with children are focused on children's interests. Educators plan experiences to extend children's learning. Children are viewed as capable, confident, independent learners and their ideas and opinions are valued, respected and actively sought in the program.
Standard 1.3 – Educators and coordinators take a planned and reflective approach to implementing the program for each child.
Educators observe, document, plan, implement and reflect on the learning and development for each child as part of an ongoing cycle. Information about the program is available to families and educators invite families to contribute to their child's learning.
Standard 2.1 – Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted.
Educators promote children's need for sleep, rest and relaxation. Sleeping needs are adjusted based on the individual needs of the children each day. Healthy eating is supported and promoted for each child. Physical activity is planned and spontaneous to support children's learning of fundamental movement skills in their play-based learning. Established systems ensure children's health and safety.
Standard 2.2 – Each child is protected.
Educators take steps to ensure children are adequately supervised. Plans to manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with recognised authorities and practiced and implemented. Educators are aware of their responsibilities in relation to child protection.
Standard 3.1 – The design of the facilities is appropriate for the operations of a service.
Furniture, equipment and resources are clean, safe and in good repair. Processes are in place to remove, repair or replace equipment that requires attention. Children have access to resources and equipment in both indoor and outdoor environments.
Standard 3.2 – The service environment is inclusive, promotes competence and supports exploration and play-based learning. Children have access to some plants, sand and trees in the outdoor environment. Educators have completed programs and discussions on the environment with children and children are involved in the care of the gardens. Resources are sufficient in number and enable children to engage in the environment through play-based learning.
Standard 4.1 – Staffing arrangements enhance children’s learning and development.
Educators communicate effectively and regularly discuss the needs of the children in and across rooms. Organisational arrangements of educators promote continuity of educators at the service and processes ensure wherever possible familiar educators are regularly in attendance at the service. The arrangement of educators contributes to children's learning and development.
Standard 4.2 – Management, educators and staff are collaborative, respectful and ethical.
Educators' interactions are warm, respectful and focused on the needs of the children and the service. Management ensures professional resources and materials are available to educators in a range of formats and systems including online. Processes are in place to support and recognise the skills and achievements of educators and to use this resource across the larger organisation. A range of professional learning opportunities are made available to educators.
Standard 5.1 – Respectful and equitable relationships are maintained with each child.
Educators implement practices that ensure the dignity and rights of each child are maintained at all times. Interactions with children are respectful and promote their sense of security and sense of belonging.
Standard 5.2 – Each child is supported to build and maintain sensitive and responsive relationships. Educators foster and promote opportunities for children to engage, help and learn from one another. Children are appropriately encouraged and supported to manage their own feelings and emotions and resolve conflicts through discussion, listening and communication.
Standard 6.1 – Respectful relationships with families are developed and maintained and families are supported in their parenting role. Educators support families through the orientation processes of the service. Current parenting information to support family well-being is available to families through the website and displays around the service. Families are involved in service decision making through the POLD family committee and discussions.
Standard 6.2 – Collaborative partnerships enhance children's inclusion, learning and well-being.
Educators support children to transition between rooms and between the service and formal schooling. Access to and support from professional support services are fostered are fostered when required and the service builds relationships while engaging with their local community.
Standard 7.1 – Governance supports the operation of a quality service. Management have developed a statement of philosophy and sought feedback from educators and families. The philosophy includes aims for the service and organisation. Systems have been established to ensure the effective management of the service with consideration given to improving quality. Educators' roles and responsibilities are defined, and they are supported to understand their positions prior to commencement of employment.
Standard 7.2 – Effective leadership builds and promotes a positive organisational culture and professional learning community. There is a process in place for the regular review and ongoing development of the Quality Improvement Plan. The educational leader is able to explain her role and how she supports educators in the development of the program. The performance of educators is reviewed yearly, and professional and personal goals are established, revisited and discussed.